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Customer Advisory - North America Detention and Demurrage Update

PDF version available here.


North America Detention and Demurrage Update


Dear Valued ONE Customers,

Due to increased operational costs, Ocean Network Express will implement the following detention and demurrage updates effective January 1, 2025:

  1. Increase of import and export detention and demurrage tariff rates to/from the United States and Canada by 20 USD per unit per day except Hawaii (*).
  2. Increase of import demurrage tariff rates at Maher Terminal in NY / NJ.
  3. Implementation of import demurrage tariff rates at inland locations of Canada. 

(*) The calculation after the expiration of free time to follow open facility day in the state of California.

This rate update applies to all tiers and equipment types for detention and demurrage charges assessed in the U.S. and Canada. Please review our latest rate schedule for your reference. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.



Ocean Network Express (North America) Inc.


